New to shockwave or in pain for more than 3 months? Book a Telehealth to see if we can help you!
We have evolved our services in order to serve you better. Telehealth rehab services are now available online with select physiotherapists. We are now also offering in-person care to clients who have qualified as Urgent Care cases.
Telehealth services will be of immense value long-term and will enable you and your practitioner to streamline your care. It is a convenient option during the COVID-19 pandemic; but we’re going to keep it around long after the virus has passed. These services are fantastic for those living in rural areas or hampered by inclement weather, those living with less mobility, or with busy schedules that make in-person appointments difficult.
To book a Telehealth appointment, please visit our 24-hr online booking page, call or email us and we will be happy to assist you further.
Subsequent Telehealth treatments are 45 minutes in duration and cost $130/session.
The need for Urgent Care is determined on a case to case basis, according to strict guidelines provided by the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH). Special consideration will be given to essential service workers. All clients must be booked for an Initial Telehealth Consultation in order for your physiotherapist to determine your treatment needs. Urgent care appointments are not available through online booking and secondary/tertiary COVID-19 screening will occur prior to the appointment.
These are new and exciting times and we may never go back to the way things used to be. It is time to charge onward and embrace our new version of normal. We are excited to serve you again and hope to see some of your smiling faces soon – even if it is just a quick health check.
May we all live long and prosper in good health.