New to shockwave or in pain for more than 3 months? Book a Telehealth to see if we can help you!
Shockwave treatment is the miracle I was looking for. I don’t say that lightly. I couldn’t sleep on my shoulder for over a year, the chronic pain kept me from boxing and made working at my desk agony. The doctors gave me many pain killers, cortisone shots and considered surgery. I tried IMS, acupuncture and everything I could find. I was at the end of the line with my shoulder having tried everything out there and spending an also painful amount of money on trying to improve mobility and reduce the pain. I called and booked a shockwave appointment with Gary. Gary was great and listened to my concerns. Having been to countless physical therapy places it wasn’t my first bbq explaining my pain and the last thing I needed was 10 more exercises to do. Gary understood that totally and was optimistic about being able to help me. Shockwave was like magic – after the first treatment I experienced incredible relief. After 3 treatments I can sleep on my left side, and I’ve started boxing again. If you have chronic pain anywhere I would strongly suggest you try shockwave therapy, it’s truly amazing and Remedial Wellness/Unpain makes it affordable as well. Suffer no more, really!