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Uran Berisha 00:06
Hi, today I have the great pleasure to share this time with you guys and with our newest addition to Unpain Clinic team, Dr. Katarzyna Podolska. Thank you for accepting my invitation to bring you here. All we are trying to do here is just to shed light for people so they can understand just a bit more about their health and their body and see how we can actually help with our expertise and just brainstorm. If we brainstorm, people can actually relate to things and then we can help that way too. So, Dr.
Katarzyna, she is our naturopathic doctor at Unpain Clinic and I want you to please help me understand this because until you actually started with us, I had no idea what the difference is between a naturopath and naturopathic doctor.
“Naturopathic Doctor or Naturopath Near Me?”
Yeah, so a lot of people don’t realize that there’s a difference between the two and the term is often used interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing. The difference is the education and the training. So naturopathic doctors are licensed healthcare professionals, a naturopath is not. A naturopathic doctor has to undergo licensing exams and board exams, a naturopath does not. A naturopathic doctor has to do continuing education every year, naturopaths do not. A naturopathic doctor has to have an undergrad bachelor’s degree, a naturopath does not. A naturopathic doctor has to have at least 4200
hours of classroom and clinical training as well as 1200 hours of actual supervised clinical experience. A naturopath does not have that. Although many people think it’s the same thing, it’s not. The difference is the education and the training. Naturopathic doctors are also primary care providers. We’re actually able to diagnose and treat disease. A naturopath is not. We able to offer IV therapy, order blood work for food allergy testing or other potential imblances in the body. Those are some of the main differences.
Uran Berisha 02:46
Wow. Honestly, that’s why I asked you for this because I have no clue. And I believe a lot in synchronicity. Like I don’t believe in coincidences, just even the way how we met and how you came on board at Unpain Clinic. There was a client of ours and he texted me and said, “Hey, there’s a naturopathic doctor that you should bring on board” and I said, “but we actually never thought about it.” And then after that text, I started thinking this is gonna be amazing for Unpain Clinic our clients because we treat lots of musculoskeletal conditions but we specifically target people that have been in pain for a minimum of three months and have tried everything else. I’m talking now from my personal experience, when somebody comes with chronic lower back pain, and sciatica or a herniated disc, and it’s been there for a year or two, from musculoskeletal perspective, to me that’s not anymore a muscle problem. There is way more to it. And that’s where I know personally that there’s usually a lot of gut issue, there’s lot of bowel inflammation. And that’s why I said yes, this is great to bring a naturopathic doctor so they can actually help in that journey. So we can actually make that client even better.
Yeah, because naturopathic medicine really looks at each individual holistically, right. So we take everything into consideration and for us, everything is connected.
Uran Berisha 04:35
Yeah, human body is one single structure, right? I don’t know who ended up dividing it into pieces and treating it as pieces but if you just breathe through your mouth, that oxygen is going to go to your hair and everywhere. It’s awesome. So what made you actually pursue this career? Like, how did you end up becoming a naturopathic doctor?
Yeah, so some personal information. I had a miscarriage in 2013. Yeah. And that sort of led to some health issues that I had and you know, all sorts of things were going on and I was depressed and of course, you know, I went to go see conventional medicine doctors, and I was, you know, given medication, and then I had side effects. And then I was given another medication for the side effects of that first medication. And then I had side effects from the second medication and then I was given a third medication for the side effects of the first and it was just this kind of moment where I realized, you know, there has to be a better way. This can’t be the best way to deal with all this. So, I typed in ‘naturopath Edmonton’ and I ultimately went to go see a naturopathic doctor in Edmonton. And it’s
incredible. She changed my life with a few simple, you know, lifestyle suggestions, some nutrients that I was missing, and some herbs. She changed my life. And it was one of those moments where I was just like, wow, well, this is what I want to do. I want to be the person sitting on the other side of this desk.
Yeah. And I want to do for other people what she did for me. I want to help them and treat them and I want to change their lives like she changed mine. So that’s kind of how I got started.
Uran Berisha 06:24
Wow, thank you. Thank you for sharing that. And it’s very powerful. Truly, this is powerful, but every time in life when we experience those, you know, downsides or those circumstances or events, there’s always kind of a good side on the other side of the coin, then it just wakes us up and kind of pushes us and and it gives us the courage to actually figure out things to do more and grow. And then you know, you only understand when you look backwards, when you measure backwards and see that whatever happens in life, it has some kind of reason. Thank you for doing that because I know you’re gonna help lots of humans to feel better and change their life and hopefully, you know, trigger that thing where you push someone else to become a naturopathic doctor. That’s amazing. Actually, you know I saw you recently for an assessment. And I want to share kind of my personal story because people will relate. It was actually awakening for me and was very powerful because we booked it for 90 minutes. So I came there, I filled out the form. And the questions that you asked in the form, it was a moment like doing a self assessment, saying ‘hey, actually, I do this, I don’t do this’. So it was almost like an awakening for me and this is like without even seeing her. It’s making me think about my health, my day, my habits, my activities. It was crazy. So then,we went through assessment you asked me literally questions from pretty much the time I was born to today and then you assess me like listening to the heart rate, checking my abdomen and feeling everything. And then after that session, I thought if we just have seen, again don’t get me wrong on medical doctors – everybody has their own place. We need everybody. We all have our unique abilities. But I was just thinking if the medical doctors that I’ve seen personally just for the regular checkup, if they only spent like 20% of the time that you spent. And they do to every single person where would our healthcare system be? Anyway, I don’t want to go into that rabbit hole but can you just like tell me a little bit again, I told my personal experience, but why do you guys do that much assessment? *chuckles*
Yeah, so like I said before, naturopathic medicine really looks at treating the whole person and more importantly, we look at the root cause of disease and illness. So in order to come to, you know, conclusion about what is really going on in the body, what is causing this disease or what is causing these symptoms manifest, we have to go into detail about everything and that’s you know, your sleep, stress levels, diet, your bowel movements. Yes, we’ve got everything in history, but a lot of times you know, emotional trauma or physical trauma our body holds on to that and it manifests in different ways. And so it’s important to really get like a whole picture of you. So, we ask everything, you know, from A to Z and then it’s also important to do that physical exam to our patients, to put our hands on our patients and do a physical exam.
Uran Berisha 10:36
Yeah, honestly, I was very happy that you gave me the requisition to go and get some blood work done for thyroid. So the cortisol level is the hormone of stress, right? So what are you looking for from that, what does that do to my body? If the cortisol levels are high?
Um, yeah. So you brought up another point which is naturopathic doctors in Alberta do have lab rights so we can write requisitions and run tests. A lot of people are unaware of that. But that is a big part of what we do. Because you know, we can take a good history when you can have a pretty good idea of what’s going on with someone. But until we actually run some bloodwork, check the blood or the urine or whatever we need to check and get some actual physical numbers. You know, that’s, that’s our proof. Look, this is what’s going on in the body, right? Yeah. So we you know, we’ll check all sorts of things. And sorry, your question was about Cortisol?
Uran Berisha 11:45
Yes, the cortisol. Like, I haven’t done the like, I haven’t seen the results yet. Like, we haven’t gotten the results yet. Because first I have to go and do it. You know, I’m a typical man, where we wait and leave like procrastinate for a while. But I got the letter next week, I’ll bring the results but I was actually thinking because if if there’s one thing myself with everything that’s happening, and I’m a very busy guy, so cortisol level, I think it’s gonna be high. So, I want to kind of know what does that do in the in, in human to human bodies, like, what is cortisol? In a way? Yeah.
You know, without going into too much details about based on your sort of symptom picture and the things that you told me, I thought it was important to check your cortisol levels, because cortisol is you know, it’s our stress hormone. It’s gonna affect how we feel. But it’s going to also affect other things in our bodies, such as you know, like, affect how we hold on to weight. Yes. Yeah. So there’s several different reasons why I wanted to check that.
Uran Berisha 12:51
But that’s also because I want to share my main concern is like, I’m super built in my extremities, but I actually have belly fat that I cannot kind of get rid of. And so before I even thought to go and push with exercise, you know, to burn that. I wanted to understand personally, why it’s there in the first place.
Why I don’t have the fat on, you know, on my extremities but I’m holding it there. So, that’s why I want to understand more of the cause and then once I know that – great. I’m an active person but even when I cycle and downhill ski, summer I like I do 100k in a weekend when I go cycle and I still retain the belly fat. So… 🙁 .
Right. Well there’s several different reasons why a person might be holding onto excess weight, especially in the abdominal area. And it can be things such as, you know, elevated cortisol levels due to sort of like chronic low level or low grade stress. It can be things such as diet or food sensitivities or allergies. It can be something like thyroid or thyroid hormones, which is another thing.
Uran Berisha 13:58 Yes. Yeah. *Chuckles*
And it can also be genetics. So there’s several different things and of course, lifestyle. as well, right? So there are several different reasons and yeah, running some tests, we’ll be able to narrow it down and try to figure out what’s going on.
Uran Berisha 14:13
Yeah, honestly. This is the year that I’m looking forward. Because like with you I’m doing now a lot of testing of my internal body and trying to understand myself from you know, genetic components to food sensitivity to everything. So, because my goal and I’ve shared this with everybody, my goal is to live to
126. If there is no accident, there’s nothing, I want to live to there. So, I’m still pretty young.
Dr. Katarzyna Podolska ND 14:44 My goal is 100. I want to live to 100.
Uran Berisha 14:46 Awesome!
Dr. Katarzyna Podolska ND 14:46 Sometimes, I think “you can do it!” *chuckles*
Uran Berisha 14:51
If I have you to 100, I can probably push the 26, you know? Ha ha ha ha. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So, what is what is the most common kind of pattern that that you guys see if somebody you know comes in and they have, like, let’s say belly fat, but they have lack of energy? Asleep? It’s bad like what? Where does everything starts like, did you guys look at one system in particular first, or how does that typically work?
Yeah, so every, every individual patient will be, you know, a complete unique story. You know, we’re we’re taught to treat sort of the individual, right? So everybody’s treatment is going to be completely different and tailored to their needs. So it’s hard to kind of generalize because we really, again, we try to look at the body holistically. So we’re keeping you know, everything in mind sort of mind, body and spirit.
Genetic Testing Births a New Age in Proactive Health Care Identifying health risk factors early and establishing the best lifestyle habits for your genotype – before you are actually sick.
Uran Berisha 15:58
Yes. No, problem, No, problem. Wow, wow, wow, awesome. So, I remember we were just chatting briefly I think a couple days ago at the clinic and we were just brainstorming and you were telling me about the genetic tests that one of your clients had. So how you were able to determine what the person needed, you know, in terms of like, almost like a diet, food and timing and everything. Are you comfortable sharing that with with us here?
Yeah, I’ll share a little bit. I’m definitely not an expert in this field. And, you know, I’m learning and I’m still studying and it’s something that really interests me and I would kind of want to get into more so basically, you know, these genetic tests, such as something like 23andme, has become quite popular now. Right. They’re able to tell us some things about our ancestry, you know, our background where we come from, but they’re also able to tell us some things about our health. You know, whether we are carriers for certain genetic diseases and cancers and things like that. But what some people don’t know, is, you know, the report that they give you, there’s actually so much more information we can sort of interpret from from that genetic data. So we can take the raw data from something like 23andme, for example. And we are able to interpret it and we look at specific genes. And from that we can tell you so much more we can tell you, you know, whether you are somebody who should be intermittent fasting, or whether you’re somebody who should be eating you know, several small meals a day, we can tell you, you know, whether you are somebody who you know, should be on a lower fat diet or a higher fat diet and how your body stores it. We can tell you vitamins, different vitamins, you know, if your body is able to sort of metabolize and methylate and properly whether, you know, you’re more at risk of missing certain enzymes for certain pathways. And based on that we can actually tailor treatments and we know, you know, what would be good to sort of invest in you know, whether you should you’re somebody who should be taking extra vitamin and folic acid. You know, if it isn’t methylated properly you should be taking, you know, extra folic acid and not just folic acid, but the form, method tetrahydrofolate which is methylated, because that’ll be easier for your body just sort of incorporate and use it to the different pathways that it needs. So we can tell you so much more about your health based on these, this basic this raw data from these genetic tests. You know, having to do with you know, is your money well spent on omega three supplements or vitamin D supplements and all sorts of things like that. So yeah, it’s quite fascinating.
Uran Berisha 19:01
Listen to do now is like it makes me realize because I kind of read things and learn and oh, this is good for you. This is good for you. So all I like I have lots of supplements and vitamins a type of mushroom at home that I kind of take myself and I realized that sometimes it’s like they give me almost like, like almost like a rash or temperature so that might not be good for my body. *chuckles*
Right. So this is a way where, you know, we’re not just guessing this is what you need. This will be good for you. This is we’re actually looking at the data and saying, you know, yes, you need more of this because your body doesn’t absorb it well. So you should be supplementing, you know, and this supplement for example, you absorb it very well. So it might not be necessary.
Uran Berisha 19:47
Yes. Yeah, well, because I know love and clients and love you know loads of people nowadays we hear something that this is good for for something and then everybody started using it. And the same thing with diets. That’s why I personally never believe in diets because it’s like it’s one technique, you know, one schedule for many people and then you have people that you know lose weight and then they gain more or like they they get more sick or it just kind of changes the their whole system.
So yeah, you can hear certain diets being heavily promoted, you know, the keto diet or, you know, other all sorts of diets, right, but, you know, whether that diet is actually gonna work for you. Yes, yeah. So based on something like like when I’m talking about the interpretation of the raw data, we can actually tell you whether, you know, you’re a person who’s going to lose weight on a ketogenic diet, or maybe you’re a person who’s actually going to gain weight. Yeah, one diet does not fit all. Certainly, and yeah, we certainly now have the information to, to tailor you know, lifestyle and diet recommendations. Even better than before.
Uran Berisha 21:08
Yeah, when it comes to again to losing weight, because we ended up talking about this topic, now. It’s not what you see on the scale, right? It’s like the fat, the muscle percentage and all that. There’s way more components than just what you see on the scale. So yeah, well, honestly, I’m very happy that you’re part of Unpain clinic and we’re going to be able to help people even more with you. And because of you, when you came in we had that conversation we had a couple meetings because that’s how we do things. Like we look at more who you are as a person, you know, your approach to everything because any practitioner that we have that’s how we look at humans whether like you have a physio that is you know, doing a treatment or a massage therapist. They look at every every human as one unit.
Uran Berisha 22:18
So you were part of that and I was surprised a little bit and I was very happy at the same time that one of your kind of specialties that you wanted to kind of target mostly its skin like skin conditions.
Yeah. Yeah, so I have passion or a bit of an interest for skin health, sort of what I like to call naturopathic dermatology, and sort of medical esthetics. And it’s because you know, our skin, it’s our first impression that we give people right? It’s the first thing people see, it is such an incredible sort of
indicator of our health on the inside right? It matters. It’s a manifestation of what’s going on, showing on our skin of what’s going on inside. So, it can tell us a lot about our health. And, you know, self esteem, right?
Uran Berisha 23:10 Yes.
Certain skin issues like acne or eczema or psoriasis or rashes, or you know, the list goes on. It’s the first thing people are seeing and you know, women are often covering their skin up with makeup and you know, people are self conscious about it. So yeah, I have an interest in skin and skin health. And I want to make people feel, you know, as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, right?
Uran Berisha 23:36
True. Yeah, it’s like skin is the biggest organ in the body. That’s what you said, it’s the number one thing. If you’re cold, it’s your skin that is feeling that you’re hot it is your skin. So, why do people get acne typically or eczema like, what system is it related to inside? Usually, you know, if you can say anything about that.
Yeah, of course. It’s all connected. It can be something such as hormones, you know, our endocrine system might be off. Often with acne, especially sort of around the chin line would be something as simple as diet. People have food sensitivities they’re unaware of and their skin is sort of breaking out or you know, forming rashes and things like that. It’s basically trying to eliminate those toxins or basically looking, what it’s like on the inside. It can be it can even be as simple as you know what we’re putting on our skin. Right?
Uran Berisha 24:51 Yes.
Dr. Katarzyna Podolska ND 24:54 There’s so many different reasons.
Uran Berisha 24:56
Okay, so tell me this. So, when you say food sensitivity, are you talking about like a food allergy? What is that?
Okay, so yes, there’s food allergies AND food sensitivities. Okay, food allergies are basically what you think of you know, someone has a peanut allergy, you know, the touch the peanuts and anaphylaxis,
right. Their throat closes up and they swell up and they can’t breathe. So that is a true allergy. When talking about that, it’s the IGE antibody. With food sensitivities, we’re talking about the IgG antibody, and these are the sort of delayed response kind of food reactions in our bodies. So, these don’t usually occur right away. They can occur from you know, several minutes, half an hour an hour after eating – even several days after eat something, you know, up to three days and they say. These cause sort of more, I’m gonna say mild because it’s not life threatening right away, but they can they can cause symptoms such as headaches, that can cause you know, skin issues. They can cause digestive pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, it can cause joint pain it can cause you know, brain fog, it just the list goes on. And yeah, and because of sort of the delayed response, you know, you eat the food say, I’ll give an example for me. I have a dairy intolerance, a dairy sensitivity, so I’ll eat dairy and went away, I’m fine. But the next day, day three, I suffer I won’t go into the details, but because of that sort of delayed response, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what exactly is causing the symptoms.
Uran Berisha 26:49
Yes, yes and these are not simple. It’s like you can eat something that had that ingredient, right? Yes. Yeah, again, the fact that the system same way.
Yeah, yeah, so we can test for food sensitivities. Also done through a blood test and we run it through a private lab called Rocky Mountain analytical. Takes a few weeks to get the information back but when we do it shows us exactly which foods our body is reacting to. And which foods our body is not reacting to, and often, you know, sometimes it doesn’t have to do with the food itself, but sometimes it just has to do with a leaky gut sort of situation.
Uran Berisha 27:44 Oh, I see. Wow.
Sometimes there’s damage in our gut, and because of that damage and inflammation our body’s reacting to foods that it shouldn’t react to. They may not be threatening but our body’s perceiving them as a threat and causing more inflammation in the body. And so sometimes it’s as simple as removing these foods for a certain period of time.
Uran Berisha 28:06 Okay
Healing the gut, using you know, different nutrients, herbs and things like that. And then we reintroduce these foods, and if we’ve healed the gut properly, sometimes we’re able to eat these foods again, which is really nice. So, a food sensitivity doesn’t always mean forever, right? Our body, it is changing.
Sometimes we’ll reintroduce that food and our bodies still reacts. And unfortunately, it’s just something we’re going to always react to. But also knowing that we can avoid those foods and avoid a lot of the, you know, unpleasant symptoms we might experience right?
Uran Berisha 28:41
Yes, yes. Yeah. Okay, I have a question. So does this include kids? Like I have three kids so can I test my kids for food sensitivity or is there a certain time in life or?
Yeah, so children can be tested as well? I think, you know, it’ll sort of depend on the practitioner. I think most NDSU don’t like to test before age five, unless it’s really really indicated in the childhood is in a reactive thing. And that just has to do with the development of our immune system. So you know, before age five, our immune system release still is developing and we’ll kind of get false results. You know?
Uran Berisha 29:23 Yes, yes.
It’ll show that we’re reacting to things that maybe we’re not so it’s sort of recommended, I think after age five, but it’s really case based. Sometimes it’s necessary.
Uran Berisha 29:36
Five years old, it’s still you know, after five years old or like even 10 or 15. It’s still really good age because if we can prevent, you know, a disease or problem or dysfunction, it’s way more worth it than doing a reactive approach and going and trying to fix it later. I know there’s from MSK component, like musculoskeletal, if one muscle gets injured, it’s going to make the other muscle compensate and now we have two problems. Now, I have to go and fix initially, you know, correct whatever caused the injury in the first place, and then come back and deal with whatever was injured because of, you know, that compensation. I’m honestly seeing and, especially with our clientele, I would say over 90% of our clients have a more proactive approach. So, that’s why we want to kind of expand and extend then like just try to help more people in any way possible. That’s awesome. I’m enjoying this this conversation so much, and I hope all our listeners or if you’re watching in YouTube or you’re listening in your car, I strongly believe we have just made people you know, think a little bit more even one circle outside of the box.
Uran Berisha 31:15
Okay, so kind of a last question here. Like, who you want to be a hero to? *chuckles* Like I know that you want to heal everybody and help everybody but who is that person that you want to help the most?
Yeah, that’s a tough question. I knew this was coming and I still feel unprepared for it.
Uran Berisha 31:34
I love this question. Because it’s like, you know, it really makes you think. It’s a simple but very powerful question. Even though we want to help everybody with everything, you can’t, right? So you have to be almost like, this is the kind of disease or the type of dysfunction or whether you want to just like help, you know, somebody that just kind of help somebody, like initiate the journey for them.
I guess, I want to be a hero to anyone who might feel, you know, the conventional medicine system, you know, perhaps has failed them. Anyone who, you know, has ever been told, you know, you’re fine, but they don’t feel fine. Right? Then, you know, “what’s going on? I don’t feel fine, but my lab results are fine. And you know, everyone tells me I’m fine, but I don’t feel fine.” Those are the people I would like to help. Anyone who just struggles with kind of everyday digestive issues, people who are holding on to excess weight, people who have struggled with, you know, any kind of mood issues such as anxiety or depression or self esteem issues. I think naturopathic medicine, you know, has a lot to offer all those all those people.
Uran Berisha 33:01
Thank you. Thank you. This is awesome. This is awesome. Thank you. Because, you know, again, you’re looking back where you started, you know, the journey, everything that happened, all that schooling and all that now you’re in this world for a reason, you have a mission to help those people. So, I’ve been talking to every single client of mine about you because I see, you know, indications that again, you can help them and even though they’re experiencing just you know, lower back pain or neck or something. There’s always more into it, and especially the time that we’re going through, and again, I’m going to actually share this with you. It’s a lot of lower back cases and I’m seeing recently, they’re actually coming due to a lot of clenching from the jaw. So there – if people are experiencing lots of stress, and again, you listen to news, your lifestyle has changed completely. So, you’re grinding your teeth. And yes, I’m helping them from this physical perspective doing the shockwave, relaxing the muscles, offering that break and then it’s amazing like people they don’t want to get up from the table. They feel so relaxed. That is just a sign that the system was so tight constantly that it became the norm you know, for them. They felt that that’s the way to feel but I can only do so much with shockwave and from that aspect, so that’s why I’m extremely happy. I cannot even express that – having you in here with us where you can actually take them and like help them figure out the internal body, you know, giving the supplements or writing herbes and everything to make their life better. Because there’s nothing more valuable than your health. It’s like your body is your home. It’s like you’re gonna have the best car the best house and best clothes and all that but nothing else matters. And I think a lot of people kind of realize this when COVID hit right. And I’m sorry, I kind of took a completely different direction but this ties into everything. So for people that don’t know me, I’ve been through the war in Kosovo as a kid and one thing that I remember is my dad told us, if you see somebody killing me or us, just run – don’t wait for anybody. So, that tells you that in those circumstances and all that you must be responsible for yourself. Whether it’s health, whatever it is, is you are responsible for your life. You’re responsible for your body. It’s if you wait for somebody you know that is going to passively help you forget that. So for that reason, it’s like there are all those tools available nowadays you know that you can actually understand more but you are the person you’re the best doctor, you’re the best therapist is everybody here is just trying to assist you there. So, there’s no price and health, right?
Yeah. Health is everything – it really is. And that actually, when you’re telling your story, it kind of reminds me of one of the principles of naturopathic medicine which is doctor as teacher.
Uran Berisha 36:33 Yes
I love that because I I really believe it’s our job to teach people and empower people to take control of their health right and, and just sort of strive for the best health they can achieve and be the best version of themselves that they can be.
Uran Berisha 36:54
Yeah. Wow, I know we can go all day talking about everything. But I promised everybody that this is just our first session brainstorming here and sharing all kinds of stories. So definitely we’re gonna do more of these meetings, virtual meetings and where we can actually just share our, our experience and thoughts just to help people in any way in any form we can. And then hopefully, not hopefully, but my vision again with you Dr. Katrazyna is to go through and probably pick you know, and dissect certain symptoms or problems. So look forward to the to the next episodes. Okay, so thank you. Thank you.
Thank you very much for coming in and sharing your valuable time with us. So, one last thing: how do people book with you? How do people get in touch with you like what is the process?
Yeah, so you can go to the Unpain Clinic website. And there’s a little book now kind of button you can click on there. You can click on me as a practitioner, and you can see the services that I offer and of course, my availability. You can book online, or you can call the clinic and speak to reception and they can help you from there.
Uran Berisha 38:23
But so do people just like is there any like one assessment or like, how do they determine like the first one?
Yeah, so if I’ve never seen you before, you’ll be booking an initial consultation. And those can range from 60 to 120 minutes. So I have three different consultations, a 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. So typically, I would recommend a 90 minute appointment. This gives us enough time to do sort of a thorough history and physical exams that we need. And write a requisition for for any labs that need to be done. A 90 minute appointment is sort of just anyone coming in with just a couple health concerns. A 60 minute appointment would be someone who’s coming in with no real health concerns. They just kind of want to you know, optimize their health maybe what else they could be doing. Maybe they want to come in and see if you know sensitivity test might be right for them or, you know, there’s various reasons but it’s essentially someone who doesn’t have a lot of health concerns. And then 120 minute appointment is for somebody coming in with kind of complex and chronic disease. So somebody
who’s coming in with, you know, diabetes and hypertension and high cholesterol and you know, the list goes on. It just takes a bit more work to kind of dive deep into the history and figure out what’s going on.
Uran Berisha 39:52
Wow awesome. Thank you thank you again, thank you for sharing everything.
Dr. Katarzyna Podolska ND 39:56 You’re welcome. Thank you for having me!
Uran Berisha 39:57
Yeah, my pleasure. Okay, we’ll see you soon. Bye. Bye.