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Ligaments are flexible connective tissue that connect bones and cartilage together at the joint (ex. Knee or elbow). Connective tissue is found all over the body and injury to any ligament can be
caused from illness (ex. Rheumatoid arthritis), overuse, or quick and sudden injuries to the area.
There are three different grades of ligament injury. Grade 1 is a slight/mild tear, grade 2 is a moderate tear, and grade 3 is known as a full rupture of the ligament. No matter what grade occurs, this causes the surrounding tissues to over-compensate to allow the body to try move as normally as possible and protect the injured ligament from further damage. This can cause further issues if not assessed as soon as possible, such as muscle stiffness, soreness, and further injury.
The benefit of physiotherapy for ligament injuries allows the physiotherapist to increase mobility within the injured area, reduce pain from stiffness within the area, as well as the ability to help restabilize the joint to reduce further injury. Furthermore, by improving the state of the ligament, other connective tissues, muscles, and cartilage, can be saved from damage due to safely healing the ligament and reducing over compensation from other tissues around the injury.
The role of the physiotherapist in treating ligament injuries
Coming to a physiotherapist early within the ligament being injured can reduce the chance of permanent damage to the ligament. As previously stated, the physiotherapist can help mobilize, stabilize, and reduce pain within the area. Our physiotherapist at the Unpain Clinic, with over 18 years of experience, has seen his fair share of all types of ligament injuries and can provide a personalized care plan to get you back to your day-to-day life!
The R.I.C.E approach is the best approach to handle your injured ligament at home within the early stages to help reduce swelling and inflammation within the area and helps the ligament from being further injured.
If advised from a doctor or physiotherapist, doing at home exercises can help increase the healing time of a ligament injury if done correctly and not over-working the ligament before it is ready to reduce further injury.
Please see a doctor as soon as possible after an injury to a ligament to help prevent further and possible permanent damage to the area. By doing this you are protecting the ligaments and reducing further injury to the area as well as reducing further possible complications with the muscles and tendons around the injury as they can over-compensate after an injury or be injured if the injury goes untreated and further movement is being produced.
By receiving treatment from a physiotherapist, they are able to create a personalized treatment plan to help you recover the best way that works for you and in the safest way possible. Our physiotherapist at the Unpain can help!
Author: J. Gies , BKin
Research: J. Gies , BKin