Chiropractors are spine, muscle and nervous system professionals who provide qualified, effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain, and improve your quality of life. Chiropractors focus care on the spine and extremities and treat the bones, muscles, soft tissues, nerves and joints.
Chiropractors use a hands-on, non-invasive, drug-free model of practice to safely and effectively relieve pain and improve the body’s overall function. Chiropractors can use various treatments depending on your needs and diagnosis, which can range from manual adjustment techniques to soft tissue therapy, rehab exercises, education and advice or other treatment modalities.
Our chiropractor strives to provide the motivation, education and inspiration to help you take charge, take action and take care of your overall-wellbeing to proactively prevent future pain and live a more fulfilled life.
Meet Dr. Lacina Barsalou, DC

Dr. Lacina is a mixed technique provider which means she utilizes a variety of skills and treatment techniques to help you feel better. Her primary method of adjusting is diversified manual technique, but she also utilizes instruments such as the Activator and drop table when adjusting patients who may need a more gentle touch or for those who don’t like the “cracking” which may occur during some adjustments.
She also uses a number of other modalities (when necessary) such as shockwave therapy, dry needling, clinical acupuncture, Kinesiology (KT) taping, cupping, Rapid Neurofascial Reset©, and other myofascial treatment techniques. She has taken her diplomate in chronic pain management through the Canadian Academy of Pain Management (CAPM) and has been trained in Shift Concussion Management©, Active Release Technique© and Neurokinetic Therapy©.
Dr. Barsalou believes in creating collaborative health partnerships with her patients to educate them and empower them to take control of their health and help them reach their goals.
What to Expect on Your 1st Visit at Unpain Clinic Chiropractic

Your first appointment may take up to 60 minutes. When you come into our clinic you will be greeted by our wonderful client service team members and you may be asked to complete some initial intake paperwork (if you have not already done so online). Please bring your Alberta Health Care number, emergency medical contact information and insurance information, as well as any information pertaining to previous care or medical imaging reports relevant to your main concern.
Our chiropractor will then conduct a comprehensive assessment, including:
· a consultation, including a detailed history which includes information about your current concern, general health status and past health history
· an examination of relevant areas related to your concern(s)
· Imaging of the area of complaint, if needed (x-ray, MRI, CT or ultrasound) – as imaging is no longer covered under provincial healthcare when ordered by chiropractors or physiotherapists, we will likely refer you to your medical doctor if you do not have private benefits which would cover such a study.
Your initial treatment plan will be discussed and if safe and appropriate, and time permitting, you will receive your first chiropractic treatment.
What to Expect on Your Subsequent Visits

Follow up appointments can take between 15-30 minutes, depending on your treatment needs. During follow up visits the doctor will discuss any changes in your condition as a result of your previous treatment(s). After your pain and inflammation is reduced and/or your musculoskeletal condition has been corrected and stabilized, we may choose to discontinue care completely or choose a maintenance care plan that fits your needs and keeps you healthy. Your chiropractor will inform you of your healthcare options and work with you to choose the best option to meet your goals for the future.
Conditions Chiropractors Treat
- Ankle, knee and foot pain – ligamentous problems, plantar fasciitis, meniscal injuries
- Chronic pain
- Concussion and related sequelae
- Dislocation/separation of shoulder
- Elbow, wrist and hand pain –including carpal tunnel, tennis elbow and golfers elbow
- Headaches
- Hip and pelvic joint pain – trochanteric bursitis
- Injuries related to motor vehicle accidents – whiplash, sprains and strains
- Low back pain and “sciatica”
- Myofascial pain and dysfunction
- Neck pain
- Pain related to osteoarthritis
- Postural syndromes
- Shoulder pain and rotator cuff problems
- Sport-related injuries
- Strains and sprains in the spine and extremities
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
- Tendonopathy/tendonitis and tenosynovitis – Achilles tendonitis, DeQuervain’s syndrome
- Thoracic and rib pain
- Wellness care for generalized joint stiffness or muscular tightness
True Shockwave™ or Flashwave®? No need to wonder.
Our therapists will assess your situation and formulate a True Shockwave™, Radial Pressure Wave or Flashwave® treatment plan appropriate for achieving the most effective and lasting results.